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Chapter 8: Animating Position, Orientation, and Scale

Figure 8.5

An animation that scales a coordinate system and the ball built within it.

Click on the image to view the VRML scene.

#VRML V2.0 utf8
# The VRML 2.0 Sourcebook
# Copyright (c) 1997
# Andrea L. Ames, David R. Nadeau, and John L. Moreland
Group {
    children [
    # Pulsing ball
        DEF Ball Transform {
            children Shape {
                appearance Appearance {
                    material Material { }
                geometry Sphere { }
    # Animation clock
        DEF Clock TimeSensor {
            cycleInterval 2.0
            loop TRUE
    # Animation path
        DEF BallPath PositionInterpolator {
            key [ 0.0, 0.20, 0.65, 1.0 ]
            keyValue [
                1.0 1.0 1.0,
                1.5 1.5 1.5,
                1.1 1.1 1.1,
                1.0 1.0 1.0,
ROUTE Clock.fraction_changed TO BallPath.set_fraction
ROUTE BallPath.value_changed TO Ball.set_scale